Frequently Asked Questions

Are the checks listed on the check register all the checks Aiken County issues?

The only checks listed are accounts payable checks written in the Finance Department. Other checks such as child support payments written by the Clerk of Court's Office and disbursements by the Treasurer's Office are not displayed.

How many staff are employed by the county?

Aiken County Government employs approximately 900 full and part-time people.

How often are checks issued?

Once each week, usually on Fridays.

How would I obtain a Freedom of Information Act Request Form?

You can download the form off of our website or you can call 803.642.2012 and one can be faxed to you. Forms are also located in the Administrator's Office, Suite 3100, on the third floor of the County Government Center at 1930 University Parkway in Aiken.

How would I obtain certain documentation from various departments in the County?

You would have to fill out a Freedom of Information Act Request Form which requires your name, address, phone number and documentation requested. The County has 15 business days to respond to your request.

What is the General Fund?

The general fund typically serves as the chief operating fund and is used to account for all financial resources except those required to be accounted for in another fund. The General fund contains revenues, such as property taxes, designated by law for a special purpose and providing general benefit to taxpayers.

When and how is the budget adopted?

The budget process usually begins in January and First Reading is around May. Council reviews and schedules budget hearings for people to express their concerns. Second Reading and Public Hearing are usually held at the same time. Once the budget meets the criteria of Council they will have Third Reading and approval. After the budget is approved the figures are carried to the new fiscal year which begins July 1st.

Who authorizes the checks/payments?

An extensive approval process is followed before receiving a purchase order for goods or services depending on the amount. Once finalized and the goods or services are received, the designee from the initiating department electronically receipts and approves invoice for payment. Additionally, all invoices are approved by Accounts Payable before payment.

Why aren't employee payroll checks included in the check register?

All employees’ salaries are not public record; therefore no payroll registers are available for viewing. Under the Freedom of Information Act, some salaries can be obtained.

Government Center, 1930 University Pkwy | Aiken, SC 29801 Aiken County Government | © 2025