
Judicial Center (Courthouse)

109 Park Avenue SE | Room 117

Aiken, SC 29801

PO Drawer 3368, Aiken SC 29802

  803.642.1557 |   803.642.7530

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Serving Aiken, Bamberg & Barnwell Counties

The Solicitor's Office is the prosecuting agency for criminal matters in Circuit Court, Family Court, and, in some cases, Magistrate's Court. Circuit courts are divided into two sections: the Court of Common Pleas, which pertains to civil matters; and the Court of General Sessions, which involves matters that are criminal in nature.

Court of General Sessions

Prosecution of individuals charge with crimes which carry a potential punishment of more than 30 days confinement and/or more than $1,000 in fines.

Family Court (Juvenile)

Prosecution of juveniles (or minors under the age of 17) for criminal offenses and status is handled through Family Court.

Diversion Programs

Pre-Trial Intervention,

also called PTI, is just as the name implies. It is intervening into a case before it comes to Court. This system allows the defendant to be diverted from conviction, enter a program of restitution, counseling and guidance, and return to society without the bad mark of a criminal record.

Only defendants who do not present a threat to society, have no significant prior criminal history, and involve non-violent crimes are allowed this one time "second chance".

In cases where it is appropriate to compensate victims for their losses, restitution is required from the defendant before he or she can complete the diversion program.

PTI is a self-supporting agency under the control and supervision of the Circuit Solicitor's Office, and is supported through cooperation of judicial, law enforcement and community service agencies.

Juvenile Arbitration Program

Allows a first time juvenile offender of a nonviolent crime to avoid going to court by completing a tailor-made outline determined by a hearing. The reduction of the caseload on the Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) allows the staff to concentrate on more serious cases. Permits the community to play an active part in the juvenile justice system.

Truancy Intervention Program

The school district of Aiken County and the 2nd Circuit Solicitor's Office are working together to keep our kids in school. This partnership is utilizing a Truancy Intervention Program (TIP) to examine the problems associated with children who are truant from school and develop a long term action plan for improvement that involves both the student and the parent or guardian.

Aiken County Adult Drug Court

Upon completion of all program requirements, the participants will have their drug court charge(s) dismissed, and the charges are eligable for expungement. If a person fails to complete the program, the participant will be terminated from the Adult Drug Court program and the individual’s original General Sessions sentence will be imposed.

Worthless Check Unit

The Worthless Check Unit operates within the Office of the Solicitor to provide for the collection and distribution of restitution to the victims of worthless checks. The Program transfers the collection process from the victim to the Solicitor’s Office, reducing the victim’s work and cost associated with collections.

Participation by a victim in the Worthless Check Program is optional.

The Worthless Check Program is self-sustaining under the control and supervision of the Solicitor’s Office and is supported through cooperation of the judicial, law enforcement, and community service agencies. Operational costs are recovered from the offenders.

The establishment of a Worthless Check Unit within the Solicitor’s Office has been authorized by the Legislature in S.C. Code of Laws Section 17-22-710 and is in partnership with the county governing body.

Veterans Treatment Court (VTC)

Veterans Treatment Court is a program for non-violent criminal offenders who have served in the US Armed Forces.

The Second Judicial Circuit Veterans Court (VTC) was established to offer eligible justice- involved veterans an alternative to the traditional criminal justice system by providing them support and rehabilitation through comprehensive substance use and/or mental health treatment, education, employment, vocational programs; and community resource referrals for housing childcare, and transportation, all while being judicially monitored.

To apply, veterans need to submit an application to the VTC Coordinator's office.

Government Center, 1930 University Pkwy | Aiken, SC 29801 Aiken County Government | © 2025