Tag for Vehicle

South Carolina license plates must be purchased within 45 day from the date of purchase of the vehicle. You will need:

1. Proof of ownership (title; S.C. title dated prior to June 1989 must be signed over on back and be accompanied by a Bill of Sale)

2. A personal property tax notice is acquired from the Aiken County Auditor's Office. Be sure to know the current mileage of the vehicle being registered. It may reduce the amount of the vehicle property tax. Payment of the notice is made in the County Treasurer's Office.

3. SC DMV Form 400 to register for South Carolina title (available online, from Auditor's Office or SC Department of Motor Vehicles local offices) along with a paid receipt of the vehicle property tax is required. Also proof of insurance is required in order to register the vehicle with the SC DMV.

Contacting the S.C. Department of Motor Vehicles for applicable fees and sales tax prior to visit is advisable.

Government Center, 1930 University Pkwy | Aiken, SC 29801 Aiken County Government | © 2025